13 March 2020 For slowing down the coronavirus outbreak, many Austrians will work for the next weeks for the first time in their life from home. With the changed work style, social contacts can be reduced. Thanks to the country's digital infrastructure, it's technically an easy way to slow down the outbreak. But 'working' is for most people much more than only fulfilling the workload. Austrians are more sociable people. Very probable that the reduced social contacts will be compensated by live video meetings with co-workers for example for scheduled coffee breaks in combination with briefings to plan together to-do-lists for the upcoming days. Even fashion stores will shut from Monday, the 16th March 2020 nationwide - excluded from the shutdown are supermarkets, apothecaries, and other shops which are counted to the necessary supply infrastructure. Well, most people have enough fashion items at home and can prepare without pressure for the new situation of dressing for the home office.