Carpe Diem Botanic Water Harmonising 2007
Developed in collaboration with the Institute for Applied Botany, University of Vienna. Univ. Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Chlodwig Franz, is the scientific consultant of Carpe Diem Botanic Water

Clever fasting! While eating little, drink fluids.

Fasting has positive effects on our figure (we loose weight), our blood (fasting encourages detoxification), we build up our immune system, and we get new energies. But we have to fast clever and reduce to the essentials carefully.

Nearly all of the altogether nine plant extracts included in Carpe Diem Botanic Water Harmonising stimulate the metabolism and are used traditionally in spring cures. And the high mineral content serves to balance electrolyte metabolism,” explains Professor Franz.

the plants with harmonizing effect >>>

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