30 November 2017

Qbo coffee machine is now enabled for Alexa voice control:
"...make me an espresso."

Probably in 150 years, people will look back to 2017 as a milestone in digitalizing home of the masses. Perhaps, voice controls such as Google Assistant, Siri or Alexa will be seen as the boosters of bringing the Internet of Things (IoT) into the living rooms of early 21st century citizens.

Recently, the coffee machine and capsules producer Qbo (belongs to Tchibo, Eduscho) presented the new collaboration with the voice assistant 'Alexa' for modern smart homes. The coffee making process can be started at once or later such as next morning for breakfast with commands like "Alexa, tell Qbo, I need a coffee tomorrow at 7 in the morning." Qbo introduces into the commands (German, English) on The software delivers also coffee knowledge.

In 150 years, people will probably conclude that with increasingly connected 'things' like kitchen machines over voice control and internet cloud, the designation of objects with clear names became of new importance in 2017.

Photo: © Qbo.

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