29 April 2019
Tip: Healthy food by Basenbox and mountain spring water mixed with organic juice, herbs, roots by Pona
The two product ranges were launched recently; both are creations by Austrian gastro start-ups.
Basenbox was founded 2016 and delivers via bicycles base-diet dishes for breakfast, lunch, dinner in the region of Vienna. The brand is very active and provides also practical tips such as fitness recommendations by nutrition expert and co-founder Philippa Lovrek (article) or recipes (for example a remedy against flu).
Since this month, four Basenbox dishes - two porridges (apple-zucchini and strawberry-beet), two soups (coconut-pea and tomato-amaranth), are part of the 'Young & Urban' program of the Austrian supermarket Spar. Recently, the start-up received additional funding through the Puls4 TV-show '2 Minuten 2 Millionen' for further expansion.
fig.: Basenbox porridges and soups available since April 2019 at the supermarket Spar. Photo: © Basenbox.
Pona was founded several years ago as sparkling juice brand. Pona co-founder Anna Abermann is known for collaborating with regional farmers (article).
Now, Pona presents the latest creation under the name 'Ich bin Was?er' playing with the term for the main ingredient mountain spring water (from the Millstätter Alp in Carinthia) by inserting the question mark '?' which could be interpreted as sort of 'choicer' for the different compositions of juices, herbs, roots; all of them delivered by small farmers. The recipes were developed to support the health of body and mind. At the website ichbinwasser.at, the mixed ingredients such as rosemary, anise hyssop, cardamom, or kurkuma of the four tastes pomegranate (focusing), grapefruit (vitalizing), apple (harmonizing), and quince & lemon (refreshing) inclusively their positive impact are listed.
fig.: The 'Ich bin Was?er' range is available at various shops such as at fromaustria.com. Photo: © Lukas Lorenz, www.lukaslorenz.com.
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