28 January 2020

The image shows a collage of various pictures depicting the current lent inspired Basenbox fasting & yoga retreats, special base-diet products which are available at the supermarket, and meals that are delivered by mainly bike messengers in Vienna. Collage: © Basenbox. Lent 2020 (26 February - 11 April) inspired services by Vienna-based food label Basenbox

Basenbox sent information about the latest products and services on occasion of the upcoming lent 2020 which starts in Austria on Ash Wednesday on 26 February and ends one day before Easter Sunday on Holy Saturday (Karsamstag) on 11 April. Special days for detoxing or cleansing body & mind can be found in various religions or cultures. In Austria, lent is part of today's healthy lifestyle and happens in time with the awakening of nature in spring and Easter.

Basenbox created three services especially dedicated to lent and detoxing:

Announced is the lent challenge 'Basenkur' from 26 February until 10 April for the special price of 789.- Euro (delivery of breakfast, lunch, dinner; delivery mainly via bicycle messenger services on 33 days in Vienna). The Basenkur for the lent challenge isn't published yet at the company's website; fast checked at today.

Additionally to the food delivery service and the supermarket products (porridges for breakfast, soups for lunch or dinner) which are available at the Austrian chain Spar, the in 2016 founded company Basenbox organizes recreation holidays. At the website's folder 'retreats', two fasting & yoga (6 nights/7 days) offers are currently published. One concerns fasting & yoga at Schloss Mailberg (the castle is nearby Vienna in Lower Austria) and the other, dates in Croatia.

Image: The image shows a collage of various pictures depicting the current lent inspired Basenbox fasting & yoga retreats, special base-diet products which are available at the supermarket, and meals that are delivered by mainly bike messengers in Vienna. Collage: © Basenbox.

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