21 March 2020

(First week of self-isolation in Austria) Tip: Meal preparation with the support of kitchen machines

At the end of the first week of self-isolation in Austria, the measures for slowing down the outbreak were tightened and extended until 13 April. Well, most of the Austrians realize how serious the situation is. They are prepared to master together these hard times. In short words: The situation here in Austria can be described as 'hopeful to conquer the coronavirus'. The government developed programmes for the support of companies and employees with special funding and new rules for saving jobs. But not all jobs can be transferred into the 'Kurzarbeit' (translated 'Short-time work') regulation. Especially small and one-person businesses are hit hard by the pandemic. Couples with children experience new challenges also at home. Many family households with school-age children have to find time and space for school activities, workplace, fitness studio, playground,... in one apartment.

The time-expensive daily preparation of three meals - breakfast, lunch and dinner, is an additional theme nowadays. The preparation of food can be eased by kitchen appliances such as the one on view at this page, a multifunctional food processor by Kenwood; it can be used for a wide range of dishes from salads, soups over smoothies to doughs. Kenwood publishes currently some Spring Detox recipes such as the vegetarian nut roast (German / English).

Image: The picture left shows the Kenwood Multipro Compact+ Food Processor in action while making the pastry of the vegetarian nut roast. Picture right: Photo of the ready nut roast by © Ben Monk.

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