27 November 2020
Tip on the 11th day of 'hard lockdown' in Austria: Buy quality not quantity
Today is the 11th day of 'hard lockdown' in Austria. Today is also 'Black Friday'. The special shopping day with attractive off prices has reached markets around the world not without critical views on excessive consumerism - many behave like shopaholics and waste their money on things they don't really need - and on the effects of the pricing policy of internationally operating online-companies on workplaces in retail.
During the hard lockdown, Austrian retailers (except groceries or pharmacies) have to keep their brick & mortar stores closed, but the online shops are open without restrictions. Agricultural companies like farms or wineries are allowed to run their retail business; wine for example can be bought in many cases directly from the producers.
Fashion.at looked through the current press releases for getting an oversight about products from the region for connoisseurs who buy rather quality than quantity. The red wine guide 'Rotweinguide Österreich 2021' by Falstaff is a good choice for getting in-depth knowledge for planning culinary Christmas gift sets or for upgrading the own wine cellar.
Image: Falstaff provided some pre-release insights into the 'Rotweinguide Österreich 2021' such as the name of the overall winner, Philipp Grassl from Göttlesbrunn, region Carnuntum. The region is known for excellent wines. The "Carnuntum DAC Ried Bärnreiser 1 ÖTW Höflein" by Weingut Philipp Grassl tops the Falstaff red wine ranking. The guide will be published tomorrow on 28 November 2020; a pre-order is already possible at shop.falstaff.at.