27 May 2021 It's a cold, very cold May this year. According to weather experts of the Austrian research institute (weather, climate, environment,...) ZAMG, the Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik, everything looks currently like the temperatures of May 2021 are below the mean value of the last 30 years (ZAMG news). The last days of this month will very probably change not too much on the foresight. The effects of the low temperatures are countable such as fewer guests in the outdoor areas of gastronomy or public swimming pools. A changed calculation applies also to agriculture: Dates of the seasonal calendar are postponed by around three weeks such as for the strawberry harvest which had to be rescheduled to the end of May, early June. The popular DIY harvesting offered by several farmers on their fields is consequently also postponed (fast checked today at bluehendesoesterreich.at, where self-harvesting locations through all federal states of Austria are listed). Strawberries from regional farms available in supermarkets are currently rather from greenhouses than from open fields. But let's see it positive! The delay can be used for preparing nutrition plans - eventually inclusively self-harvesting tour - with the low calorie, antioxidant (against free radicals) acting fruit (details) which is one of the best for consuming vitamins and minerals in sweet dishes such as marmalade, compote, or strawberry dumplings.
The dough (for around 40 strawberry dumplings):
The crumb covering:
Tip: Accompany the dumplings with a self-made blueberry X strawberry fruit yoghurt. |