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Animated Stories From 30 October 2006 to 7 January 2007 at sala rekalde, Bilbao fig.: Ruth Gómez. Animales de compañía (Animals of Company), 2005. Single-channel programmed projection. Duration: 2 min 50 s. Personal and social relationships are dominated by the law of the jungle. It is what foments capitalist competitiveness. The exhibition presents with thirty works new strategies in animated film and questions concepts like truth, authenticity and evidence. The construction of notions like community and subjectivity in a period of rampant cultural capitalism is an issue addressed in the exhibition by the works of Benoît Broisat, Shelley Eshkar y Paul Kaiser, Simon Faithfull, Ruth Gómez, Basim Magdy, Joshua Mosley, Yusuke Sakamoto, Martijn Veldhoen, Catherina van Eetvelde and Abigail Lang. next>>>