KISS KISS BANG BANG 45 YEARS OF ART AND FEMINISM 11 june - 9 september 2007 The Bilbao Fine Arts Museum Catalogue with essays by María Xosé Agra, Lourdes Méndez, Linda Nochlin, Maura Reilly and Amelia Valcárcel at the shop
fig.: GUERRILLA GIRLS Do women have to be naked to get into the Met. Museum?, 1989.
Póster, medidas variables. Colección del artista
Would performance art exist without the influence of feminism?
Since the late 60ies, feminism has a major impact on the arts. Feminism redefines the terms of art in the late 20th century, by exposing everything from the cultural nature of gender to the politicization of the relationship between the public and private spheres and by exploring the nature of sexual difference or even by highlighting the specificity of bodies marked by gender, race, age and class.
Structured in five areas 69 works by 44 artists represent 45 years of feminist movement: slogans by women writers will invite to each area of the exhibition: works by artists like Valie Export, Shirin Neshat, Martha Rosler, Catherine Opie,... will give an insight to 1."The cultural construction of sex, genre and sexuality.". Works by Barbara Kruger, Carrie Mae Weems, Elke Krystufek, ... to 2. "The struggle for civil and political rights."
3. The struggle to liberate women ’s bodies.
Carolee Schneemann, Cindy Sherman, Eulalia Valldosera, ...
4. The specific condemnation of violence against women.
Ana Mendieta, Kiki Smith, Nan Goldin, Sue Williams, Yoko Ono,...
5. How to rewrite a true history of human genre.
Chicks On Speed, Nicole Eisenman, Rosemarie Trockel, Tracey Moffat, Guerrilla Girls,.. more culture >>>