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GALLIEROCK par JC de Castelbajac
7 avril – 29 juillet 2007 Galliera - Musée de la Mode de la Ville de Paris

fig.: Portrait de JC de Castelbajac 2e plan : Tableau de Bruno Peinado, 2001. D’après la pochette du disque Power Age du groupe AC/DC
© Etienne Clément

The exhibition reflects the visionary Jean Charles de Castelbajac whose fashionable creations are a result of investigative fashion: history, design, art, music, et la mode are the sources of his work.

On tour through the exhibition a flashy artwork, the Rubik’s® cube, followed by a room presenting the history of France: Jean of Arc's suit of armour, Napoleon's dressing gown, ... next >>>

Jean-Charles de Castelbajac was born 1949 in Casablanca. With 13 years he started to design fashion, 1969 he presentd his first collection on the catwalk. 1972 Castelbajac opened his first boutique.


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