of the German Textile Museum Krefeld Collection
16 Sept - 30 Dezember 2007
Catalogues about clothing, textiles available at www.krefeld.de/textilmuseum
The German Textile Museum Krefeld presents for the first time its extensive collection of Chinese textiles with examples from the Han Dynasty (206 BC - 220), the 14th century (when China influenced the European textile technology), velvets from the 16th century, embroidered applications on clothes,...
Highlights are the clothes for civil servants with badges of rank and robes with Buddhist symbols, such as on the court robe on this site, called "Dragon Robe": (pictures above from left)
The closed, graphic ornament of The Endless Knot is developed from two snakes and symbolises Buddha's endless wisdom and compassion. It also stands for the continuity of love,... The Treasure Vase represents health, longevity,... The vase contains the spiritual jewels of illumination. In Buddhism, The Golden Fishes symbolize happiness, fertility. more culture >>>
fig.: Hofgewand, "Drachenrobe", China, Qing-Zeit, 19. Jahrhundert.
Deutsches Textilmuseum Krefeld, Inv. Nr. 12022