NOKIA fall/winter 2007
"The approach was to dive into a sonic world of abstract sequences and organic sound sculptures," say the composers, DJs and producers Kruder & Dorfmeister about their exclusive sound creation for
Nokia 8800 Arte and Nokia 8800 Sapphire Arte; the visuals are designed by the video artist Fritz Fitzke.
Richard Dorfmeister: "Similar to carving a gemstone or creating a beautiful piece of jewelry - our music is "matter" nurtured into existence but still remaining in perfect harmony with the nature it has evolved from. Craftsmanship, if you so wish." Peter Kruder: "One wants to create something that is fresh but has longevity and duration." more culture >>>
fig.: Nokia 8800 Sapphire Arte; Kruder & Dorfmeister photographed by Des Willie (c) Des Willie