'Hunter's Life' series
by Karin Sawetz,
publisher Fashionoffice
Insights into the life of a publisher and media researcher with base in Vienna (Austria) through summer.
Previous insight:
25 Apr - 29 May - 18 Jun - 9 Jul - 14 Jul
Today's insight: 2 August 2013
What are 'Big Data' from the cloudy net architecture?
Today, companies all over the world ask for professionals from statistics! The new job is called 'Big Data Analyst' and the methods are similar to the ones of (empirical working) social scientists (keyword Otto Neurath): Big Data Analysts are carrying together many different data of various qualities and from many sources, prepare and calculate, weight them for better insights into for example a minority or lifestyle group. Finding patterns stands in the beginning of each research project (who or what are my research objects and how can I measure them - which instrument, or where are they already measured) and the interpretation of data patterns marks the end of empirical studies.
The organization Fashionoffice researches on what is called today 'Big Data' for media producers, data reliability and the effects on public opinion. What, if the cloudy network architecture of the internet includes a statistical bias caused by storage/content delivery?
Make up your own opinion!
Top 10 (most popular, most viewed) Fashionoffice pages and clickrates in July 2013
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