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fig.: Key visual 'Ski Resort Finder' on Photo:

Interactive ski resort finder and car vs. train transport

...for regions in Italy, Switzerland, France, Germany and Austria, fast checked by Fashionoffice on 13 January 2013.

The most interesting part of the tool on is its development. From December 2011 until April 2012, more than 41.800 persons answered questions about qualities for sport activities, entertainment, nature experiences, etc in 55 resorts in the European Alps. The results of the interviews are the data basis for the interactive 'Ski Resort Finder' which delivers according to selected preferences of the user tips for sport holiday destinations such as Zermatt in Switzerland, Gröden in Italy, or Schladming in Austria.

Alongside to the tested categories for the evaluation of ski resorts from the view of guests, the authors of the study collected even data about the transportation to the ski resort. Most of the interviewed guests (72,2%) use their cars to reach the holiday location which can be explained by the high percentage of family tourism with kids and friend groups. The travel costs are lower for four persons in one car than for four persons on train; the CO2 footprint is still higher than on train but this difference digs the toxic legacy not much deeper. Only 8,6% of the guests used the train.

Fashionoffice checked the car versus train connection to Zermatt in Switzerland and to the upcoming World Ski Championships in Schladming in Austria (4 - 17 February 2013) on Schladming is not so far from Vienna (the base of Fashionoffice). With nearer distances, the car is the faster choice. In both cases (Zermatt and Schladming), the car travel is more expensive. The relation to the lower prices of the train grows with shorter distances. With other words, traveling from Vienna to Schladming on train costs only 57% of the car transport.

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