Rolex Laureate Arthur Zang created a medical tablet computer for Africa
The five Rolex Young Laureates (from Cameroon, India, Italy, Rwanda and Saudi Arabia) were selected from around 1,800 applicants from 129 countries. On, the five projects are described closer with text, images and videos to give a better impression of the impact the innovations have; such in the case of Arthur Zang's medical tablet which transmits heart data to cardiologists. The situation in Cameroon is described as follows: "Cameroon has fewer than 50 heart specialists to care for its 22 million citizens..." (fast checked on 17 November 2014). Currently, two prototypes are used in a test-phase in hospitals in Cameroon. Each of the Laureates receives 50,000 Swiss Francs to continue the award-winning project. fig.: The image shows Arthur Zang, Rolex Young Laureate 2014, working at the office of his company Himore Medical. Photo: (C) Rolex Awards/Marc Latzel. |