29 September 2016 Fashion meeting place revives tradition of the Viennese Salon; upcoming date: 6 October at Salon Boluminski
fig.: Insight into Salon Boluminski. Photo: Mojo Photographix, Martin Müller. The idea of Salon Boluminski is derived from the tradition of Viennese salons at the turn of the 19th/20th century where artists, architects, designers, novelists, and other representatives of society came together - in many cases on invitation of women. Petra Bolumniski explains the idea of Salon Boluminski as meeting place of designers and consumers in a video. Not the over 100 years old elite-thinking (keywords: social snobbery) is the motor behind Salon Boluminski. The motivation of the salon is more contemporary: it's a place where people with similar interests in fashion, shoes or jewelry can come together and meet the creators of the design pieces. The communication strategy of Boluminski seems (after a fast check) almost totally digital - except the flyers (Facebook post embedded below) with graphics by Bureau Rabensteiner; they carry the upcoming dates and will be available at the next salon days.