29 September 2016

Fashion meeting place revives tradition of the Viennese Salon; upcoming date: 6 October at Salon Boluminski

It's not the first meeting with designers and fashion show which will happen at Salon Boluminski on 6 October at an apartment at Westbahnstrasse 46/7 in the 7th district of Vienna. At the salon's Facebook page, insights into former fashion meetings with designers are published. Now after summer, the 6th October marks the start of the new season's first edition. Salon founder Petra Boluminski curated therefore an Austrian design mix such as jewelry by Sandersen (brand of designer Sophie Andersen), evening gowns and cocktail wear by Elisa Malec, or streetwear by designer Adiba Mahmoud's label Diba se Diva.

fig.: Insight into Salon Boluminski. Photo: Mojo Photographix, Martin Müller.

The idea of Salon Boluminski is derived from the tradition of Viennese salons at the turn of the 19th/20th century where artists, architects, designers, novelists, and other representatives of society came together - in many cases on invitation of women. Petra Bolumniski explains the idea of Salon Boluminski as meeting place of designers and consumers in a video. Not the over 100 years old elite-thinking (keywords: social snobbery) is the motor behind Salon Boluminski. The motivation of the salon is more contemporary: it's a place where people with similar interests in fashion, shoes or jewelry can come together and meet the creators of the design pieces.

The communication strategy of Boluminski seems (after a fast check) almost totally digital - except the flyers (Facebook post embedded below) with graphics by Bureau Rabensteiner; they carry the upcoming dates and will be available at the next salon days.


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