15 November 2016 The Austrian museum of folk life and art 'Volkskundemuseum' in Vienna is known for digging out traditions which are known by a few and for elaborating exhibitions in collaboration with scientists and artists who deliver the knowledge about the regional traditions and transfer them into our times; in the following case, with remixed film and music. fig.: Three young Tresterer at the festival Gautrachtenfest in Zell am See, Austria, 1937. For the artistic part, Volkskundemuseum collaborates with the Austrian artist Thomas Hörl whose 'Tresterersie' art-documentary-installation is about the Pinzgau dancer Matthias Eder. The artwork transfers the tradition into our times. Therefore he works with vintage footage such as a film from 1939 and quasi 'hacks' it: in the 'Tresterersie' video, the artist dances with Matthias Eder. Film and photos are accompanied by sound interpretations of original recordings once produced by Matthias Eder between 1898 and 1939. At the interactive part of the exhibition, visitors can dance to the DJ-remixes by Cherry Sunkist and das_em. (Thomas Hörl speaks in a video about 'Triestersie'.) One of the exhibition's special events is for example a workshop with artist Thomas Hörl on 28 January 2017. At '"Collage" tanzt', workshop members will elaborate a multimedia-group-art-choreography consisting of sound, video,... |