6 December 2016

Athleisure pants, arty wetsuits,... are winners of 'ISPO Brandnew 2017' selected from sports industry start-ups

The ISPO jury selected from around 400 submissions by sports industry start-ups (enterprises less than four years old) eight ISPO Brandnew 2017 winners in the categories 'Athleisure', 'Hardware Summer', 'Style', 'Accessories', 'Fitness', 'Hardware Winter', 'Wearables' and 'Social Awareness'. The winners have one on common: they are using new technologies and methods for sports equipments and activities. The products reach from crossover sports/leisure jeans/pants made of functional material (by Breddy's, Austria - winner Athleisure), over self-rolling yoga mats (YoYo Mats, USA - winner Accessories), neoprene wetsuits with artful all-over print (NoMoreBlack by Kos, Russia - winner Style) to a social youth project (Football for Life, Philippines - winner Social Awareness).

The other winners are:

Hardware Summer: Flying tent, Austria (hanging tent between two trees, bivouac tent on the ground, a hammock or rain poncho)
Fitness: InteractiveSquash, Germany (works with a projector and movement sensors)
Hardware Winter: Anticonf, Switzerland (sustainable snowboards)
Wearables: PIQ, France (application which measures sports performance)

The ISPO Brandnew 2017 winners will show their products at ISPO MUNICH from 5 to 8 February 2017 at exhibition hall B5.

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