16 March 2016
Photographer mxmilian's 'Handstand' is part of the exhibition of Instagramers' portraits of #vienna
The upcoming pop-up exhibition by INDIE Magazine and Post Collective with the title '#vienna' will showcase portraits of the city by more than 20 photographers who publish their work via Instagram. A visit of '#vienna' is for sure interesting for non-mainstream impressions of the city - but what makes the exhibition in real recommendable is the selection of new talents. One of them is mxmilian who publishes not only on Instagram (@mxmilian.at). On his website mxmilian.at, the Vienna-based photographer, filmmaker introduces into the variety of his interests which reach from fashion, lifestyle to architecture. The 'Handstand' (on view on this page) over the roofs of Vienna is one of his personal works. It draws the portrait of a city which defines itself continuously new; even when it means to make a 'Handstand' - literally 'turn upside down' - to change perspectives for new insights.
During the time of the exhibition from 2 to 10 April at Hochhaus Herrengasse (Herrengasse 6-8, ground floor), visitors can purchase art prints (from around 25.- Euros upward) of various perspectives on Vienna's districts.
Curators of '#vienna' are Brando Wild, Ferdinand Prinz and Kira Stachowitsch. Some of the exhibited photographers are @kathmo, @gregsideris, @dortundhier, @fffeuchtner, @anasbarros, @claudio.x or @gui_.
Photo: 'Handstand' by @mxmilian.at
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