4 November 2016
fig. left: Tiberius designer Marcos Valenzuela stands beside an evening gown made of pleated semi-opaque fine cotton with flower print and embellished with inconspicuous silver frills which let arise a sort of glow around the swinging skirt part and the asymmetrical drapery of the shoulder-free top. The floral cotton mousseline is worked on a black stretch-dress and decorated with a hand-embroidered silver-jewelry belt. fig. right: Karl Ammerer is the founder of the brand and store Tiberius. He spoke with Fashionoffice about activities of the label around the fashion collections and the concept store's range which includes perfumes as well as jewelry. At the image, Karl Ammerer browses through the book '86400 tiberius seconds' which was published in 2007 and captured the lifestyle of the brand 15 years after its founding in 1992. On occasion of next year's 25th anniversary, Karl Ammerer plans to cross media with a print-digital publication where both carriers - paper and bits & bytes, complete each other for uniqueness - fitting to the hand-crafted and mainly unique creations of Tiberius. The anniversary publication will also chronicle culture history of Vienna; currently scheduled release date is autumn 2017. |