15 February 2016
Already last year, the producer of towels, bathrobes and -mats teamed up with Felix Gottwald for a special 40 days program during fastening time. The 2015 program contained tips for brain and body training with the aim to change bad habits. This year, the Vossen x Felx Gottwald fastening program is more spiritual and depends consequently more on the individual 'believe permeability' if it brings positive results. The themes of the 40 postcards change each day and center on sensitivity, especially the perception of sensing and topics like love, respect or trust. Fashionoffice reviewed some of the cards, the lovely vintage graphics, the sayings and tips - such as the one on view on this page: it carries on the front a common saying in new version; 'Das Leben ist ein Wunschkonzert!' could be translated as 'Life is a request concert!' or 'Life is a picnic!' - but the 1 to 1 translation 'request concert' fits better to the graphics as well as the meaning which is described closer on the other side of the card and could be summarized as following: each one is the composer of his or her own life. It would be strange if anybody composes or plans the life of somebody else, or not? The 'Postcards with Love' are available on energyweeks.com where personal notes can be added to the already written message and sent directly to friends or family members. Photo: © Vossen. |