9 February 2017
Home textiles brand Betten Reiter presents interior in Greenery style and results of research on sex in Austria
One of the Greenery style items by the Austrian home textiles producer and store chain Betten Reiter (founded 1953) is the brand's bed cloth 'Fleuresse' in satin checked green, grey, blue shades. The interior and bed experts recommend to mix earthy and pastel tones with this year's Pantone color 'Greenery' for a lively and energizing atmosphere at home.
fig.: 'Fleuresse' satin cotton bed cloth by Betten Reiter. Photo: © Betten Reiter.
Recently, Betten Reiter released results of the Marketagent.com-research on Austrians' bed fashion with focus on the correlation between bed cloths, mattresses, pillows inclusively their fillings, curtains and sex-frequency. Marketagent asked in a representative online study 1.020 people between 25 and 69 years in Austria.
According to the research results concerning material of bed cloths, 40% of the interviewed persons mentioned silk as the most erotic material. But this doesn't mean that silk stands in significant correlation with higher sex-frequency. The highest sex-frequencies have the ones who sleep in cotton bed cloths: 80% of the Austrians in cotton bed cloths have 2 to 5 times a week or more often sex; by comparing these numbers with the silk group, only 9% of the ones who sleep in bed cloths made of silk fall into this category of frequency.
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