30 April 2017
The German text line under Thöny's illustration "Sei fesch, Steffi! Laß deine fade Kinderspeisung und fahr' mit zu die Kinderpeitschung!" contains a word which was used in the 1920ies as symbol for the wrong-running of politics which focused more on military equipment than the people's welfare; in the case of the word 'Kinderspeisung' (could be translated as children's feeding or supply) it addresses especially children's welfare. The satirical illustrations by Eduard Thöny such as the one on this page with the title 'Wiener Mode' (which references very possibly a miliary, political strategy developed in Vienna such as the founding of the paramilitary protection organization 'Republikanische Schutzbund' 1923 by the Social Democratic party) will be on view at the exhibition 'Eduard Thöny' from 14 May until 10 September at Karikatur Museum Krems in Lower Austria. fig.: Simplicissimus – 28. Jahrgang, Nummer 49, mit dem Titelblatt "Wiener Mode" 1924. Druck, 37,5 x 27,5 cm. Copyright: © www.simplicissimus.info (Herzogin Anna Amalia Bibliothek Weimar). At simplicissimus.info, insights into the journal editions (1896 - 1944) such as the one with the cover illustration 'Wiener Mode' are published. |