18 June 2017

Collaboration of molecular biology & art scientists and an apothecary at Vienna Design Week (29 Sept - 8 Oct)

From 29 September to 8 October, the annual 'Vienna Design Week' will bring at the 'Passionswege' for the 11th time companies together with artists, designers and scientists. The 'Passionswege' are contributed to the process of the development of new ideas and products. The German term references Jesus' stations of the cross (keywords: Via Dolorosa or Painful Way) and silent worship, meditation. Aim is to provide insights into the work behind the creation of arts & crafts and design products. Each of the stations of the VDW Passionswege has an experimental character which can lead to new products. Visitors of the stations will get an extended understanding that design happens in an interdisciplinary environment.

One of the announced six stations is the Viennese apothecary 'Saint Charles Apotheke' which has teamed up with four members of the association 'Pavillon 35' where molecular biology and art coincide in new projects.

Saint Charles is an apothecary for conventional medicine as well as traditional European medicine and nature cosmetics; the own 'Saint Charles Cosmetics' line is developed in-house.

fig. from right: Alexander Ehrmann runs the family business of 'Saint Charles Apotheke' in the 6th generation. On occasion of the 'Passionswege' during Vienna Design Week 2017, Alexander Ehrmann has teamed up with the Pavillon_35 members Kristin Weissenberger, Günter Seyfried and Moya Hoke for new ideas created from science, art and design. (The fourth Pavillon_35 member Sonja Bäumel isn't on view at the image.) Photo: (C) Christoph Jelinek / VIENNA DESIGN WEEK.

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