25 February 2017
Creative workshop for phone video making at the exhibition 'Handyfilmen' at Volkskundemuseum Vienna
The creative workshop for scholars, teachers together with artist Carla Degenhardt accompanies the exhibition 'Handyfilmen' about youth and the production of digital videos via phone (8 March - 7 May, Volkskundemuseum Vienna). 'Handyfilmen' bases on empirical studies by Universität Zürich (Switzerland) scientists who focused between 2012 and 2014 their research on youth's perception and construction of everyday life through phone videos.
In Vienna, the traveling show 'Handyfilmen' is extended by a special 'Exhibition-Add-on' concerning interactive, creative collaborations with around 100 scholars and teachers from Vienna together with artist Carla Degenhardt. The produced videos will be included into the show. The display of the works will be created in close collaboration between the scholars and the team of Volkskundemuseum.
Scheduled are two other 'Handyfilmen' events which sound interesting (both are open for applications); one is dedicated to scholars, the other, to teachers and specialists of youth support programs.
- The workshop for adolescents can be described as a mix of art and media knowledge transfer with the aim to encourage the creative usage of phone videos.
- For adults, Volkskundemuseum organizes a scientific workshop concerning the results of the Swiss studies and pedagogic strategies.
More details about the exhibition and the mentioned events at volkskundemuseum.at/handyfilmen.
Photo: Handyfilme - Jugendkultur in Bild und Ton. @ Florian Wegelin.
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