24 June 2018

Art and artificial intelligence are themes at Innsbruck (Tirol, Austria) based fashion school 'Modeferrari'

On 3 July, fashion school 'Modeferrari' (named after the palace where the school is located) will present the works of students of the 5-year education course inclusively collections of graduates with the final fashion show 'Art & artificial' focusing on art, arts & crafts, artificiality, and artificial intelligence at the museum of Tirolean regional heritage Tiroler Volkskunstmuseum where currently (until 4 November) the exhibition 'Feuer' (transl. 'Fire') concerning the cultural history of changing views, meanings or practices of making fire or controlling 'fire' is on view. The graduates' diploma collections were developed in collaboration with business partners and the Art University Linz.

Presenter and model at the show will be Austrian TV-celebrity Alfons Haider whose most recent 'Life Ball'-costume was designed and produced by students. Currently, Modeferrari develops together with the Austrian Space Forum a space suit.

fig. from left: The image shows Modeferrari dean Gabriele Skach (Fachvorständin an der Ferrarischule Innsbruck, Modeferrari), entertainer, presenter Alfons Haider, Modeferrari student Emil Baumann, and Alfons Haider's private tailor Margarete Schodl. The photo was captured on occasion of the Life Ball 2018 collaboration in Vienna. Photo: (C) Ferrarischule.

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