11 July 2018 Currently, MKG Hamburg (Germany) presents works by selected photojournalists whose pictures made already history and have built people's collective consciousness. By showing the work process of photographers, contractual relationships and selection practices by publishers, the exhibition curators make aware of the 'gate keeper' function of media, editors, publishers who determine what gets the chance to reach the public and how topics - from massacres over wars to racism, are evaluated. One of the central points is the influence of editors, publishers on setting images into - literally - 'con-text' and the photographers' individually contracted rights to co-direct the contextualisation.
fig.: Sirah Foighel Brutmann (*1983) & Eitan Efrat (*1983), Printed Matter, 2011, 30min, 16mm / HD video, Videostill, © Sirah Foighel Brutmann/Eitan Efrat. |