21 June 2018

BSP Business School Berlin adds Fashion Journalism to bachelor studies which include already Fashion Marketing; launch with Dandy Diary workshop 'Brand Building'

Communication is part of marketing. In fashion, the new digital environment of companies, their internal, external communication and distribution channels changed the definition of classical marketing instruments. Fashion Marketing is already part of the bachelor courses of the department 'Creative Business' at the BSP Business School Berlin, located at the Siemens Villa in Berlin-Steglitz.

fig.: Behind the scenes at the photo shooting of collection pieces by b.a.r.e. (borderless, authentic, rebellious, equal). b.a.r.e. is the own label by the students of the Fashion Marketing bachelor programme at the BSP Business School Berlin. The best-of selection of items from three collections will be shown during Berlin Fashion Week on 6 July (details). Photo provided on occasion of the kick-off event of the new bachelor programme 'Modejournalismus' (Fashion Journalism) at BSP Business School Berlin. Photo source: obs/BSP Business School Berlin - Hochschule für Management.

Recently, the management school announced to extend its courses by the new programme Fashion Journalism which includes additionally to journalism, public relations and corporate publishing, practical knowledge concerning fashion design and trends, as well as scientific units like economic sciences, communication sciences, media psychology, or the theory and history of fashion. Aim of the course is the training of journalistic methods and work processes concerning text, image, video production and content publishing (crossmedia through classical and digital channels) in the fields fashion, lifestyle under the aspects management and business-economics with consideration of the impact of fashion on culture, economics, marketing and sociology.

On 28 June, the 'Fashion Journalism' kick-off event will happen at Siemens Villa in Berlin. After the event, guests can join the blogging and brand building workshop by David Roth and Jakob Haupt, publishers of the fashion blog 'Dandy Diary'.

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