26 September 2018 Since 16 years, artists located in Lower Austria invite under the title 'NÖ Tage der Offenen Ateliers' into their studios. This year, the two day event with more than 1000 participating artists happens on 20 and 21 October. The organizers of the event publish an interactive map which is very helpful as Lower Austria is the largest state of Austria. For planning a visit after the motto 'exploration of the country through arts and crafts', the best way is to select one of the listed regions: Waldviertel, Mostviertel, Weinviertel, or Industrieviertel. fig. right: The image shows Daniel Zucali of the master workshop for guitar making at work. Closer details about the Meisterwerkstatt für Gitarrenbau can be found at the map entry. Photo provided by 'NÖ Tage der Offenen Ateliers 2018': ImagoPictor. Another way to search open studios is via disciplines such as 'Schmuck' (jewelry); 190 results will be delivered in all four regions. In sum - all disciplines and regions, the map of 'NÖ Tage der Offenen Ateliers' contains 1054 results. At the region Mostviertel, district Amstetten for example, two jewelry makers open their studios on 20 and 21 October. The ones who are highly interested in jewelry should try the region Weinviertel which seems to be the center of jewelry making in Lower Austria. 77 artists are listed at Weinviertel, alone 45 artists in the district Gänserndorf nearby Vienna. (Numbers fast checked today.) fig. below: 'Replik Bronzefibel' by Herbert Jandl. ('Fibula' is the Latin word for brooch, clothing closure similar to a pin). The one on view at the image is a replication made in 2017 of a brooch-closure of the 1st century. At that time, Celts settled in Lower Austria. The studio is located at the region Weinviertel, district Mistelbach; details at the map entry. Photo provided by 'NÖ Tage der Offenen Ateliers 2018': Jandl Herbert. |