2 January 2018
Works by photographer Catherine Losing selected for the 'Food in Art' collection by photo art gallery Lumas
The international photo art gallery chain Lumas presents new works under the title 'Food in Art'. British photographer Catherine Losing is probably one of the portfolio's artists whose work reflects food from the most fashionable angle. Her photo 'Lost in the Supermarket' from the Lumas 'Food in Art' selection mediates with a stylish wink the impression of a society which lives in a risky affluence. The image (on view on this page) shows the legs of a woman in luxurious stilettos between orange boxes. The buyer is literally overwhelmed by the offer! The photo appears at catherinelosing.co.uk as part of a series which was produced for the women and food magazine 'Cherry Bombe'. Lifestyle, fashion and the impact on society is also theme at one of Catherine Losing's latest collaborations. For the MoMA catalogue and exhibition 'Items: Is Fashion Modern?' (on show until 28 January), she captured images of iconic fashion pieces such as Levi's 501 or Nike Air Force 1.
fig.: 'Lost in the Supermarket' by Catherine Losing. Photo: © Catherine Losing, www.lumas.com.
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