22 November 2019
Now, Fashion.at followed the trend and has a 'Picea Glauca' (white spruce) currently standing in the house entrance where it's colder than inside the office. The climate preserving alternative Christmas trees are offered by supermarkets, home accessories retailers or garden specialists for very affordable prices. At Fashion.at, the spruce was embellished with items mainly made from wood, pinecones, and straw. The classical Christmas decoration has been collected over decades and reflect various styles - from 70s over 80s, 90s to nowadays. When the festivities are over, Fashion.at will plant it outside. Tip for Christmas gifts related to gardening: In Austria for example, the association 'Arche Noah' (dedicated to the preservation of the diversity of cultivated plants) offers currently some gift sets with seeds and books with professional advice for planting; fast checked today at shop.arche-noah.at/Arche_Noah_Weihnachten (online orders for Christmas gifts recommended until 17 December). Preferably use online shops from your region to shorten delivery routes respectively to reduce CO2 pollution! |