3 April 2019
Upcoming dates of the art, design, food, lifestyle market 'Fesch'Markt' in Linz, Graz, Vienna, Feldkirch
The route of the 'Fesch'Markt' goes in the next months from north, to south, to east and west through Austria. The first station of the art, design (furniture to fashion), food, lifestyle market is from 26 to 28 April Linz in Upper Austria. Fesch'Markt was founded in 2010 and presents especially independent labels with focus on sustainability and regional production. The Austrian term 'fesch' could be translated with 'chic, smart'. On occasion of the market in Vienna for example, the organizers invite to bring used clothes and exchange them for other products at the 'Fesch'Clothes Swap Vienna'. The calendar of the traveling market with details about the events in Linz, Graz (Styria) in May, Vienna in June, Feldkirch (Vorarlberg) in July is published at feschmarkt.info.
fig.: The Fesch'Markt Wundertüte is a surprise bag or lucky bag filled with various products and is available exclusively in limited edition at the markets. The Wundertüte slogan of the bag on view right can be translated as "I'm nice, get me out of here!"
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