2 July 2019
Upcoming events at Wien Museum (skateboarding & street art) and at ImPulsTanz Festival (dance & costumes)
Wien Museum is currently officially closed for renovation. From 5 July until 1 September at the emptied building, urban life will be celebrated with a street art exhibition showing works such as by Shue (on view on this page) and a public skate park built from the museum's old furniture. The 'Takeover Street Art & Skateboarding' can be visited for free. Skateboarding courses and street art workshops are announced.
fig. : Shue, Donaukanal. Photo: Herbalizer.
Another view at the geometric painting of a bicycle - which might remind cyclists when rolling above of a helicopter landing place, at Donaukanal is published at the artist's Instagram where it's named 'Veloissima'.
Donaukanal is a great resource for street art - and a favored route of cyclists. ImPulsTanz Festival (11 July - 11 August) teamed up with Arbeiterkammer Wien for various 'Public Moves' outdoor workshops (for free); among the workshops even one concerning parkour tricks such as jumping over bikes at Donaukanal.
Fashion.at searched through the latest newsletters, the catalogue and website of ImPulsTanz for a fashion related workshop and found Lise Lendais' 'Costume Fever', reaching from the theoretical exploration of costumes in performing arts to the practical work on an own piece.
fig.: Image of browsing through the catalogue of ImPulsTanz 2019.
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