13 September 2020 Today is the last day of the 'Fashion Positions' which have happened from 10 September as part of the art fair 'Positions' at Airport Tempelhof in Berlin. This season, the art fair turned into a hybrid format and was made accessible additionally via digital media on live.positions.de (brand new is the video of the airport tour via bicycle with information about the history of the airport and the art fair; embedded below) and live.fashionpositions.de.
20 designers (fashionpositions.de/designer) were selected by a jury to represent Berliner fashion to a national and international audience. Via Instagram, Fashion Positions provided further insights such as with the recently published post of images with remarks to the Covid-19 restrictions concerning the limited amount of visitors (750 persons) allowed at the exhibition area. (Fast checked today.) 13.09.2020_Tempelhof Airport Tour from Kaiserwetter Gmbh on Vimeo.