Samuel Beckett/Bruce Nauman
KUNSTHALLE wien, karlsplatz
Treitlstr. 2, A-1040 Vienna, Infoline: +43-1-52189-33,
4 February - 30 April 2000
The work of the writer Samuel Beckett and the artist Bruce Nauman is among the most influential of our
time. They both share an elemental preoccupation with the body and space. They pose fundamental
questions facing humanity in the contemporary world, questions concerning the "condition humaine" and
human identity in a manner which is both uncompromising and free from illusions.
This exhibition represents a first attempt to bring together these two unique, intense and highly complex
artists in one concept and space.
More than any other artists, Beckett and Nauman offer an experience that stimulates the public to detach
itself from its familiar modes of perception and of thought, to open itself to other conceptions of space.
fig: Samuel Beckett portrait; photo: Ilse Bühs/J. Remmler © Deutsches Theatermuseum, Archiv; Courtesy Deutsches Theatermuseum