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Mariko Mori
8. February bis 23. March 2003

"Wave UFO" is a visionary work, which brings together art, science, performance, music, and architecture in an integral work of art. In this project, Mariko Mori has fused new technologies, computer graphics, video projections, and engineered structures in order to expand the art experience. next>>>

foto: Wave-UFO, 1999-2002
Interaktive Installation, vom Biofeedback der Gehirnwellen der Besucher generierte
Echtzeit-Computergrafik,Schnittstelle Gehirnströme, Vision Dome, Projektor,
Computersystem, Fiberglas, TechnoGel®, Acryl, Carbon Fiber, Aluminium, Magnesium
4,93 x 11,34 x 5,28 m
© Mariko Mori (Architekturzeichnung von Marco Della Torre)

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