shop the handbags at www.diridondica.com
Serbian designer Danijela Stojanovic Diridondica presents in her current collection the "DeStress" range. Here you will find new anti stress techniques. So the handbag owner's fingers are invited to participate in an anti stress therapy program. Take it out on the bag! Pinch, squeeze, pull, scratch, push or squash the handbags' multi flexible and durable surface! Allow yourself to release negative energy through the bag!
"Inspiration for bag creating comes from my wish to challenge the conventions of femininity and make a bag that would not be just an object of fashion but a transportable art object that has a practical function. “Diridondica” handbags are provocation with essence and not just a mere ignoring trends." Danijela Stojanovic Diridondica more design >>>
In March 2003 Diridondica launched her first handbag collection. In March 2007 she was awarded as one of the top designers for 2007/2008 at the Swatch Alternative fashion week in London.
