fall 2007
Ingrid Loschek: "Wann ist Mode?
Strukturen, Strategien und Innovationen."
272 pages,
26 images, in German language, publication date October 2007.
Shop at reimer-verlag.de
Well-known German fashion theorist questions in her new book "Wann ist Mode?" fashion and when it becomes a relevant language in our society.
Therefore Loschek takes a view on fashion from different perspectives: the perception of the wearer and the market situation for innovations. In this cultural study by Dr. Ingrid Loschek you will learn that the main subject of fashion is not the permanent change, but the social constant of "in" and "out". more design>>>
"Die Grundsignifikanz der Mode ist nicht ihr ununterbrochener Wandel, sondern ihre soziale Dynamik von ‚in‘ und ‚out‘." Dr. Ingrid Loschek
Dr. Ingrid Loschek is one of the most well-known fashion-experts in Germany. She holds a professorship of history and theory of fashion at the University of Applied Sciences in Pforzheim, Germany. In 1995 she has been a visiting scholar at Harvard University, Cambridge, USA and in 1998 she received the Europäische Mode-Initiativpreis der Kultur-Fördergemeinschaft der Europäischen Wirtschaft. She is also a member of ICOM (International Council of Museums). More information www.loschek.de