COTAM - Clothing of the American Mind spring 2008 Everyday Activism by Simply Wearing a T-Shirt In February 2008 Los Angeles based COTAM, Clothing of the American Mind, launched a new line of environmentally-focused t-shirts (sweatshop free, 100% cotton) with the messages "REDUCE, REUSE, RECYCLE, RETHINK" and the I “RECYCLE SIGN” STUFF printed with 100% water-based, non-toxic inks. "... our global, savvy customers are stylishly promoting democracy, protecting the earth’s valuable resources and making this world a better place for us all. And, by donating a percentage of each sale to various vital causes and candidates, COTAM really does remain true to its mission of supporting the progressive agenda." Since 2004 COTAM creates eco-conscious fashion; in late 2005 the label introduced its first organic t-shirt. "Since 2004, Clothing of the American Mind has donated more than $40,000 to progressive causes and candidates committed to issues of social and political justice, including electoral reform, supporting our troops by bringing them home, preserving our planet, fighting for universal health care, protecting women’s rights and their bodies from governmental invasion and keeping our privacy intact and protected from unlawful government surveillance." Check out the current collection of t-shirts, online shop,...