Dreamandawake spring/summer 2008 - the new fashion clip "drown" with music by ddd - fig.: Designer Amanda Ericsson in a dress by Dreamandawake, photography: lina scheynius (

The New Fashion Clip "drown" with Music by ddd

From 13th to 15th May 2008 Paris based designer Amanda Ericsson invited to the premier screening of the new dreamandawake clip, a photo exhibition and a collection preview at Galerie Mycroft (Paris).

fig.: Designer Amanda Ericsson in a dress by Dreamandawake, photography: lina scheynius (

The Idea Behind

In early spring 2007 Amanda Ericcson, inspired by her interest in old materials and the challenge of transformation, has launched the Dreamandawake brand by presenting selected vintage women’s dresses which she redesigns into dresses with a message: prevent pollution by using existing materials and produce no strict seasonal collections to dominish timepressure for the tailors!

"The rawmaterial for the dresses are old dresses already produced for other purposes, some might have been used, some not. Because of this no new material has to be extracted from earth during their production whereby no pollution is caused during this stage. The main environmental impact dreamandawake does is during transportation which may be by sea, air, train, bus, car, bicycle depending on destination.

The tailors that are amending the dresses have been payed a fair sum per piece set by the tailor him/herself. Dreamandawake does not work in strict seasons and there is therefor no timepressure or demand of overtime on the tailors that are free to decide themselves when to work. Many of the changes are also made in the dreamandawake studio in Paris.

The Clip "drown"

Why is the title of the clip “drown” – is it the music title? Why have you used this music title?

Amanda, Dreamandawake: "The clip's title is "drown" and the music is made by the london-based musician called "ddd" and the title of this track is also "drown"."

Note: The ddd EP was released mid-July 2008 with the tracks: Drown / Concentration / Spiral.
ddd aka darryl woollaston plays the guitars, the drum machine, and spends his voice. Check out tour dates, the new tracks,...

What do we see on this clip; what are the two women playing with?

Amanda, Dreamandawake: "We (photographer Lina Scheynius & I) made this clip during week-end we had at a friend's place in Toscany. I had just before the shooting been sitting in the sun pleating some belts together. And it is these belts you can see in the clip and that we are playing with (these belts I make from parts that I have cut of the dresses when I make them shorter and also from the liningmaterial which I sew together into long strings and then pleat).

And the reason why the clip also was named drown is also because it sometimes looks like we are drowing the stripes from the earth and up and the title fitted the clip very well."

You are using mostly printed fabrics in your collection. Which prints are these: flowers, geometric, symbols,…?

Amanda, Dreamandawake: "In this current collection there are many prints, flowers as well as smaller ones such as leaves, feathers, dots etc. "

more design>>>

Dreamandawake spring/summer 2008 - the new fashion clip "drown" with music by ddd

Online Gallery

At Dreamandawake's online gallery you can find dresses entitled in folders "encore", "barbie blues", "dream", "drown", ... Sometimes the content is exhibited offline; such as in May 2008 (fig.) when parts of this online gallery have been presented at Galerie Mycroft in Paris. Dreamandawake works together with the photographers,,, ...

Check out more fashionable clips by Dreamandawake see

Dreamandawake spring/summer 2008 - the new fashion clip "drown" with music by ddd