On 6th November 2008 the Austrian eco friendly label "Göttin des Glücks" (Goddess of Happiness), founded in 2005 by the four designers Monika Bledl (textile designer, Austria), Lisa Muhr (architect, Austria), Igor Sapic (sculpturer, Croatia), Dessi Stoytcheva (fashion designer, Bulgaria), presented the current fall/winter collection with an ice dance in the City of Vienna. European champion Claudia Kristofics-Binder created the „Fashion on Ice“ performance with young ice figure skaters. Video: Interview with Göttin des Glücks at the Ethical Fashion Show in Paris, Oct 2008, by www.ecofashionworld.com. Since 2004 the not-profit organisation Universal Love (founded 1995) organises the Ethical Fashion Show which has become the trade show of reference on ethical fashion. "Respect people, the environment and the precious traditional skills inherent to each culture!" is a motto of the ethicalfashionshow.com. Women's Wear Coats, jackets, dresses, pullovers, shirts, ... in black, grey, khaki, red, mauve, atlantic green and blue are printed with ice bears, owls, camels, snowflakes, patterns for luck, ... Sport Fashion The sportive women's and men's collection is made of organic cotton in comfortable cuts for yoga, pilates, ... workouts. You can find instructions for yoga exercises, teapots with yogi receipes, mandalas for luck, relax mottos such as „If I can dream it I can do it“ ... Evening Wear Since October the limited collection of evening wear „GDG Soirée“ is available; especially made for dancing through festive nights. Under Wear Additional to the presented collection on ice, Göttin des Glücks offers underwear for her and him. One of the the printed messages on underwear for her is "Die Göttin des Glücks kommt nur dann, wenn sie Lust dazu hat" (free translated: "The Goddess of Happiness comes only when she has lust") www.goettindesgluecks.at. |