GÖTTIN DES GLÜCKS spring/summer 2008. The models of the summer collection are the team of synchronic swimmers of the Bundessportzentrums Südstadt . Since 16 years it is the first time that they have reached the Olympic qualification again! Photos: stingray divers GÖTTIN DES GLÜCKS
spring/summer 2008

On 15 May 2008 the Austrian based eco fair designer label Göttin des Glücks presented the new summer collection on the Badeschiff (a restaurant, café, clubbing location with swimmingpool, sun decks,... on the Canal) in the center of Vienna.

The motto Danke mir geht´s gut“ (free transl. "Thank you I am doing fine") is the motto of Göttin des Glücks.

The designers In 2005 four designers have founded the label:

  • Monika Bledl (textile designer, Austria)
  • Lisa Muhr (architect, Austria)
  • Igor Sapic (sculpturer, Croatia)
  • Dessi Stoytcheva (fashion designer, Bulgaria)

The collection For this summer they present soft draped pieces made of eco friendly cotton in nature white and flashy blue. You will find pants, skirts, dresses (even for Youngsters) and underwear with the printed message „Die Göttin des Glücks kommt nur dann, wenn sie Lust dazu hat“ (free translated: "The Goddess of Happiness comes only when she has lust").

Clean Clothes Campaign Göttin des Glücks cooperates for the first time with the Clean Clothes Campaign. "Mein Style - Meine Verantwortung" (free translated: "My Style - My Responsibility") signs the new created t-shirt edition. The aim is to make consumers aware of their power to support fair working conditions in the fashion industry.

Göttin des Glücks is available in Austria, Switzerland, Germany, ...

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The models of the summer collection are the team of synchronic swimmers of the Bundessportzentrum Südstadt. Since 16 years it is the first time that they have reached the Olympic qualification for Austria again! Photos: stingray divers (

GÖTTIN DES GLÜCKS spring/summer 2008. The models of the summer collection are the team of synchronic swimmers of the Bundessportzentrums Südstadt . Since 16 years it is the first time that they have reached the Olympic qualification again! Photos: stingray divers