Finland designer Paola Suhonen's new spring/summer 2009 IVANAhelsinki collection entitled "Say Hello to the Tiger" was presented from 7th to 10th August 2008 at the international fair “Gallery” in Copenhagen. "It is based on the true journey my sister, our designer Paola Ivana will make," says Pirjo Suhonen "She will travel for two weeks by train from Moscow to Vladivostok through Russia to say hello to the tigers who live in the wild woods of Siberia. Paola will take the collection pictures during this two week long train ride to Vladivostok in the authentic surroundings. In the collection you can see embroidered as well as hand embroidered tiger motives and silk prints.
Question: Great print - the tiger is really looking sad and lonely! Who has created the print? Pirjo Suhonen: "Paola IVANAhelsinki; she always creates the IVANAhelsinki prints; they are originals!" Question: On which materials and for which pieces this tiger will be printed? Pirjo Suhonen: "On cotton, terry cotton, cotton jersey, silk; mostly dresses, but also on skirts and also on some bags!" Question: Is this print the “mother” of all other tiger prints? Pirjo Suhonen: "Yes…" Question: How many different tiger prints are used in the collection? Pirjo Suhonen: "3 different kind!"
Gallery At the fair in August 2008, Gallery presented more than 200 of Scandinavia's leading designer driven fashion brands and premium brands. More about the "Gallery" Paola Suhonen In June 2008 fashionoffice has asked Paola "Which movie has to be seen because of its great costumes?". Paola Suhonen, IVANAhelsinki: "My latest favourite ....It's called "Pljik". I just saw it in Paris last weekend. I love the whole aesthetics in this little short movie by John Phillip Mäkinen."
Video: Interview with IVANAhelsinki designer Paola Suhonen, in 2007 about the company, fennofolk, spring/summer 2008 collection, Paris Fashion Week,... Check out news at