Question: Does the B Wood lookbook tells a story about three different gangs - and the 'good' ones with the masks wear the superhero-shirts? Then there is one with a red face - he looks as if he comes from a fight; he wears the revenge and on another photo the clown shirt; the superheros catch the "mad max"... Was a story intended? Brian Wood: "For the collection Brian Wood, is a serial killer concept, good boy / bad boy concept. By Day they are normal working boys and by night they stalk the dark. For B WOOD the t-shirt collection the concept was NIGHT STALKERS "KILL THE COUNT". The concept was serial killers with a twist. For fall 2009 we killed the Count. The count graphic has become iconic of my collection." fig.: The 'count' is on the photo below left. Photos by Tone Brian Wood: "The lookbook was shot with the concept of the gang (models) meeting up and getting ready to kidnap the count. The count gets thrown into the van, kidnapped and his fate is left up to the imagination of the viewer." Exhibition on 2 June 2009 |