26 March - 28 June 2009 The exhibition center Designhuis by the Design Academy Eindhoven presents 'Archaeology of the Future', curated by renowned trend forecaster Li Edelkoort who reveals in this show that trends are not a brief phenomenon, but are deeply rooted in our daily lives. Edelkoort has selected a wide range of colours, materials and concepts that dictate our daily lives by researching and analysing links between fashion, art, design and the consumer culture. Her observations are visualised in colours, materials and concepts, jointly presenting the roots and traces of the future. fig.: Project portrait Li Edelkoort. Photo by Philippe Munda. Check out more about Designhuis, the exhibition and its accompanying trend seminars and workshops designhuis.com. In 2003, Li Edelkoort was named by the Time Magazine one of the 25 most influential people in fashion industry. In 2004 she was listed among the most important people in design in Icon Magazine. In February 2008 the french minister of culture granted her the title of Chevalier des Arts et des Lettres in recognition of her artistic and literary creative contribution to culture in France and internationally. In November 2008 Li Edelkoort was appointed knight in the Royal Dutch Order of Oranje Nassau. In the same year (2008) Li Edelkoort received an honorary degree of doctor of art from the United Kingdom’s Nottingham Trent University as well as France’s prestigious designers days jury prize for her work in the field of design. Li Edelkoort has strengthened the Design Academy Eindhoven by adding a complementary second system to called the ‘kompas’, thus clustering the theoretical and the constructional subjects, and deepening the design education overall. Video: From 19 December 2008 to 8 March 2009 the exhibition 'Glass - the alchemy of our day-to-day lives' is shown at the Designhuis. From 3 – 7 June 'Glass' is on view at the DMY Festival in Berlin 2009 http://dmy-berlin.com. "Glass has the appearance of being fragile and sparkling, instead of glamorous and equipment-like and on account of this fits unexpectedly exactly within these times. A time where we have no regrets of our recent past and our wild dance around the golden calf, but where we are forced out of sheer necessity to think about reform as a consequence of the collapse of the world’s existing financial systems. Due to this, an unusual new year’s awaits, where traditionally people still want to have a great deal of pleasure but within a new mentality that requires authenticity and creativity." Li Edelkoort explores the creative record of the material glass in all its appearances, from purely industrial and serial design to autonomous design and art, with work from among others Maria Roosen, Pieke Bergmans, Anna Carlgren, various designers from Design Academy Eindhoven and companies as Baccarat and Royal Leerdam Crystal. Video by Designhuis youtube.com/user/stichtingdesignhuis. Driven by her profession as a trend forecaster she always knew how to spin the Design Academy Eindhoven in the direction needed; this resulted, for example, in setting up the Man and Well being department and initiating the master courses Man and Humanity and the IM Masters, lead by Droog Design. During Edelkoort's ten years (until 2008) of leading the Academy many graduates have found there way to the international design podium, among others stimulated by the thematic international exhibits in Milan, New York and Tokyo. Read more fashionoffice.org/who/2008/liedelkoort7-2008.htm. |