fall 2009

Juggling with design-rules

From 5 to 6 September 2009, the Aachen (Germany) product and jewelry designer Fabian Seibert and furniture, bags and accessories artist Patricia Yasmine Graf took part in the initiative Designmetropole Aachen event together with other designers and shop owners. From 27 to 30 August 2009 the two - both studied product and jewelery design in Maastricht (NL), have presented new products at the Design Act: Moscow. On Fabian Seibert's website the designer writes: "What we didn't know: PYG and me were the first German designers ever to participate!"

fig.: Handbag feltfellow Tender violett, design by PYG. The modern-elegant looking felt bag is just laced and not sewn.

Designmetropole Aachen, Sülzkotlett, and the label PYG had a great press coverage in the last months. Probably because they are following a trend that evolves: overseasonal design. On most designer websites you will find the categories Spring/Summer and Fall/Winter. Significantly often, these categories are not valid for the ones who are working on new ways how our world can be seen. The studied product and jewellery designers Sülzkotelett and PYG are creating seasonal unlimited ideas by juggling with design rules.

fig.: Communicator blood red and how it comes in the boxes, 2007. Extra Joint Ring, 2004. Design by Fabian Seibert. Photos: (C) Fabian Seibert.

fig.: Communicator blood red and how it comes in the boxes, 2007. Extra Joint Ring, 2004. Design by Fabian Seibert. Photos: (C) Fabian Seibert.
fig.: Communicator blood red and how it comes in the boxes, 2007. Extra Joint Ring, 2004. Design by Fabian Seibert. Photos: (C) Fabian Seibert.

fig.: Extra Joint Ring, 2004. Design by Fabian Seibert. Photos: (C) Fabian Seibert.

Fabian Seibert has a lifely website with news postings and an extensive product range such as the Extra Joint Ring that looks like a forming finger ring.

Question: When have you designed the ‚Extra Joint Ring’?

Fabian Seibert: It was part of my 2004 diploma jewelry collection.

Question: With this ring the wearer looks like a mutant with advanced flexible finger. What has inspired you?

Fabian Seibert: The perfect bodies in the media that influence our perception of beauty in a way that makes most of us feel not attractive enough. The media definitely raise the standard. This gradually gnaws on one's self-confidence. A piece of jewelry amongst others has a function of making you feel self-worthy. As a charm is a materialisation your little deficiencies. This way you can bear them with you but have them out of your mind. The 'Extra Joint' ring is an extension that can contain the little deficiencies for you that you think you have. So it makes one prettier from the inside out.

fig.: Communicator blood red and how the band aids with Swarovski crystals are packed, 2007. Design by Fabian Seibert. Photos: (C) Fabian Seibert.

Question: You are presenting yourself on your website with naked upper-body in front of the sky showing UFOs. Are you a Perry Rhodan, Sci-Fi fan?

Fabian Seibert: More like a fan of not taking the present all too seriously. It is a circus of vanities and pretence. Others perceive one the way one presents oneself. The photo is a genuine fake reality.

Question: Another piece you have named ‘Communicator blood red’. It shows a band-aid with Swarovski crystals. Have you named it communicator because people love to talk about their wounds?

Fabian Seibert: The communicator serves two purposes that at first sight contradict each other: actually people want to hide their wounds at first but they also need the attention they get from them.

Question: When have you designed the ‚Communicator’?

Fabian Seibert: In 2007. But it was my first experience with not really developing a concept into a product. The idea evolved into the final picture while taking a shower. No changes were made afterwards. I took the first three band aids to Milan while i was exhibiting at Zona Tortone during the furniture fair. Part of business during a fair is hanging out at parties and socializing with other designers and business people. People bought the soaked in sweat band aids off my face for 5 euros a piece. This made me think.

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