Jan Iú
Més Barcelona based designers Jan Zamora Royo and Alfonso Peña Carreras presented their men's wear label Jan Iú Més during the Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week in February 2009. Question: Has your collection a title? Jan Iú
Més: Usually, we don’t put names to our collections; we use the name of the season for giving a continuity to our line. Video: Jan Iú Més fall/winter 2009/10 during the Cibeles Madrid Fashion Week in February 2009. Jan Iú Més: We get inspired for this collection by a trip to a very small village on a mountain; almost we got lost on the mountain. There, surprised us a storm that almost leaves us isolated. This is the reason for the main concept "isolated, arctic, wood, comfortable, delicate, bounding, cold, hostile, mountain, dark and lost". The models wear big coats and big sweater of knit for to escape to the cold.
Jan Iú Més:
fig.: Jan iú Més, Fashion Show fall/winter 9/10 Jan Iú Més have been finalists in the international New York design competition 'Gen Art Styles 2007' and among the 5 winners of 'Design am Rhein 2009' in Dusseldorf. Magazines like Surface (New York),
MetroPop (L.A.), Neo2 (Spain), B-Guided
(Spain), Collezioni Uomo (Italy), Kult
Magazine (Italy), Tendencias (Spain),
TimeOut (Tel-Aviv) and Diane Pernet’s A
Shaded View on Fashion... have already written about Jan Iú Més www.janiumes.com. |