Video: Jan iú Més Men's Wear Spring/Summer 2010. Catwalk presentation on 3 September 2009 during the 080 Barcelona Fashion.

Question: Do you have a music list from the catwalk show?

Jan iú Més:

  • S.C.U.M - Visions Arise
  • O.Children - Dead Disco Dancer
  • Rolling Stones - Paint in Black (live)

spring/summer 2010

What’s about the sexiness of men’s legs in our times?

On 3 September 2009, the Spanish men's wear label Jan iú Més (founded 2005) by the designers Jan Zamora and Alfonso Peña presented the spring/summer 2010 collection during the 080 Barcelona Fashion.

On the website of the 080 Barcelona Fashion website the collection is characterized by the image of a "...modern man who is extroverted, calm, true to himself, deliberate and intriguing..."

Following the tradition of the label, the designers haven't created the collection under a special theme. The minimalistic fashion is in spring/summer 2010 enriched with different treatments to the fabrics linen, cotton, linen knit, silk chiffon etc.

Question: The material you are using is very interesting; are you making the transparencies by cutting out threads after the piece is sewn together?

Jan iú Més: It really is part of the styling, as there are shorts or pants with transparency, we have used for give a touch more delicate. Likewise, we have used this resource on the tops.

fig.: Men's Wear Spring/Summer 2010 by Jan iú Més; catwalk presentation in September 2009 in Barcelona.fig.: Men's Wear Spring/Summer 2010 by Jan iú Més; catwalk presentation in September 2009 in Barcelona.fig.: Men's Wear Spring/Summer 2010 by Jan iú Més; catwalk presentation in September 2009 in Barcelona.

Question: You are presenting mostly short trousers. Why do you think are short trousers so much in fashion next year?

Jan iú Més: In summer, short trousers are always trendy.  Everybody has a pair of shorts in his closet. Maybe, there are some pants that are very shorts, but for this collection we are inspired by shorts like tennis players, runners... are wearing; it follows a sports line.

Question: Alongside to the short trousers, even your long pants in partly transparent materials are presenting men’s legs in a sexy way; never before experienced a fashion trend with such a strong focus on men’s legs. What’s about the sexiness of men’s legs in our times?

Jan iú Més: The legs both man and woman always have been a body part that has been considered attractive.

Sincerely, in this collection, we wanted to give more importance to the pants, continuing the same line like in the tops.

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Jan Iú Més fall/winter 2009/10 was inspired by the designers' trip to a very small village on a mountain. Read the interview

On the label Jan iú Més publishes news, shop finder, current and former collections etc.