fig.: Cloed Priscilla Baumgartner and Jasmin Ladenhaufen, the organizers of MODEPALAST Photo:

fig.: Cloed Priscilla Baumgartner and Jasmin Ladenhaufen, the organizers of MODEPALAST; photo:

– brand new expo
23 - 25 April 2010
MAK Vienna

Modepalast's Spot on Green

In December 2009, the organizers of the 'Modepalast' (founded 2003) announced the next sales exhibition for fashion, jewelry and accessories during April 2010 in Vienna for the first time with a strong focus on 'Green'. Fashionoffice asked the Modepalast organizers Cloed Priscilla Baumgartner and Jasmin Ladenhaufen about green fashion, the masterminds behind Modepalast's green idea, if it's the first time that the Modepalast spots on 'Green', how consumers can recognize if a product is 'Green', and why it is so important for the organizers that they are promoting green fashion labels stronger for the same prize.

Since the beginning in 2003 (review: Modepalast 2003), the organizers promote sustainable consumer behaviour and local shopping. A jury from politics and private companies will follow a questionaire about design, materials, eco-signs, etc. to decide if a brand reaches the Modepalast 'Ecogreen' level. By reaching this level, the designer will be promoted stronger during the fair for the same money.

Question: In your announcement of the next Modepalast in Vienna in April 2010 it appears as if you are focusing for the first time on Green Lables. The Modepalast started in 2003; the Viennese know some of the Modepalast pioneers from thinking ‘green’. Is this true?

Cloed Priscilla Baumgartner and Jasmin Ladenhaufen, organizers of Modepalast: We have always concentrated on small brands that often produce and sell limited editions locally. Fair trade and production, partially handcrafted, are the start of sustainability already – even without the use of biological materials.

Question: Who are the most important design ‘brains’ of the Modepalast. (Please name them and what makes them important - in short.)

Modepalast: All participating labels are important for us as we are a networking and career platform, too. The labels position themselves during the event, and with the different focuses of their everchanging collections make up the face of MODEPALAST.

Question: Many are labelling their fashion today as ‘green’ because it’s chic. What makes fashion ‘green’ and how can consumers distinguish between the products?

Modepalast: Existing official seals of approval for material, production facilities or ways of processing are displayed anyway. A MODEPALAST jury will ensure that the labels presented at MODEPALAST GREEN will fulfill certain preconditions.

Question: Please tell more about the Modepalast Ecogreen level. When does a label start to be green?

Modepalast: “Being green” means ecological standards in production and distribution, fair trade, recycling, and upcycling. By means of a questionnaire, a renowned jury (amongst others Milo Tesselar/BIORAMA magazine, Ulli Sima/environmental councillor of the City of Vienna, Lisa Niedermaier /slowfashion) will decide which labels qualify for the MODEPALAST GREEN focus. Apart from good design, strong collections, convincing materials and faultless manufacturing, criteria such as eco-fair production conditions or quality seals must be fulfilled.

Question: In 2010 you are announcing ‘Modepalast Green’. Ecogreen-labels will be stronger presented in the catalogue, brochures, website, and in special on-topic PR activities. Why is it so important for you to promote green fashion that you invest more of your capacity for the same price? Or do have Ecogreen labels pay more for this special promotion?

Modepalast: The MODEPALAST has always taken up the course of sustainable consumption and local shopping right from the start. Since then, it has been a meeting point for "local heroes" and fashion labels producing in Vienna. The MODEPALAST catalogue is meant to be a shopping guide with an address register and encourages to consume locally during the rest of the year, too. Meanwhile, a big boutique scene and many other multifaceted offers can be found in the seventh district for solvent, conscious consumers.

Many "green" Viennese labels (such as MAYI, ALILA, mija t. rosa, STEINWIDDER, kontiki, MILCH), but German ones as well (petramark, VILDE SVANER) have already exhibited at MODEPALAST. 2010 this tradition will be internationalised and brought to the fore by means of special PR, the GREEN PATH (a guidance system through the MODEPALAST, which clearly indicates all eco fashion brands) and shows. The labels branded with MODEPALAST GREEN will not have any additional costs.

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